The core objective of non-damaging retinal heating is to harness the regenerative effects associated with temperature elevation, promoting healing without causing harm to delicate retinal tissues. Our solution employs retinal temperature monitoring designed to ensure safe, effective, and consistent treatments for every patient, taking into account inter-patient variability and differences across retinal locations.
Bringing non-damaging lasers to forefront of retinal therapies

Personalization of retinal heating is the key for efficacy and safety

Precision therapy
The temperature range for inducing therapeutic heat shock protein production is narrow and laser-induced temperature elevation depends highly on individual characteristics. Heating the retinal tissue to a precise temperature is ensured with electroretinography (ERG) -based control algorithms that allow active retinal temperature monitoring.
Non-Contact Solution
The modern approach to user interface design enables patient-friendly treatments and provides ease of use for doctors. The treatment beams are directed to the fundus via a fixed non-contact lens, eliminating the need for manual handling.

Enhanced Safety
Our active temperature monitoring enables detection of over-heating, allowing for treatment interruption before damage occurs. The automated pupil tracking ensures correct device alignment and halts treatment if it detects any excessive eye movements. These key features ensure patient safety.
The science behind the solution
A preclinical study validates the treatment mechanism and feasibility
The paper discusses a new heat treatment for the retina that uses a special method, based on the bioelectrical response […]
Dissertation sheds light on the effects of hormetic heat on AMD
Explore the Frontier of AMD Treatment Research: Mooud Amirkavei’s dissertation at Aalto University School of Science, defended on 2023-05-26, offers […]
A study describes the basis of retinal temperature monitoring for clinical use
This study introduces a new method for monitoring and controlling the temperature of the retina during laser treatments, using a […]