Heating the targeted retinal cells to a narrow therapeutic temperature window activates a local heat shock response. This natural healing response triggers processes like heat shock protein production, autophagy activation, and stimulation of antioxidative mechanisms – all aimed at repairing or removing damaged cellular components and enhancing retinal recovery and rejuvenation.
Pioneering treatment – Catalyzing the heat shock reaction

Therapeutic Heat Shock Protein Production
The heating of retinal tissue and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) triggers the production of therapeutic heat shock proteins. These proteins act as chaperones, correcting misfolded proteins and preventing aggregate formation. This crucial response aids in cellular repair and protection, enhancing the health and resilience of the treated tissue.

Activation of Autophagy
Activation of autophagy is key to retinal health, engaging in the removal and recycling of cellular waste to rejuvenate the retina. Autophagy targets old, damaged cell components, enhancing retina’s repair processes and maintaining its optimal function. Through this natural cleaning process, autophagy plays a pivotal role in preserving the structural and functional integrity of the retina, contributing to its resilience against degenerative conditions.
Stimulation of Antioxidant System
Enhancing natural antioxidative defenses in the retina combats oxidative stress, which is crucial in preventing retinal damage. By activating antioxidant pathways, the mechanism not only guards against immediate threats but strengthens long-term resistance to oxidative challenges, ensuring the preservation of visual function and mitigating the onset of degenerative eye conditions.

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The science behind the solution
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